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Friday, April 10, 2009

...programs just keep spazzing out!

I had everything perfect and then all of a sudden one after another different programs just starting to act up. I have went to all windows help desk but nothing so far?

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HELP..i've lost sound in my computer

Ive turned on my laptop to find that there is no sound coming from it..Ive tried playing music on Winamp but no sound works. I dont know if anyone in my family has spilt anything on my laptop but in case they didnt does anyone know what the reason may be?
When I tried to hook it up to speakers, winamp gave me an error message saying there was a bad direct sound driver..
any help would be greatly appreciated

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registry settings

How to set or change registry editing permissions in Windows XP
i am not able to change any settings in the registry. i can not edit any registry can i do it.

help please its urgent

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Application/Website Required

Hi All,

I have a requirement for a tool/application/website that can help us to audit the security groups that an owner owns in Active Directory. I need an application that can do the following:

1. List the groups an owner owns (we have a database that contains group name, ads path, owner information hence the code can be linked with the database to get the information)

2. Owner of a group could select the group and veiw the members of that group (May be the code needs to be linked with AD to get the members of the group)

3. Using the tool we should be able to send the email to all the members of a selected group or specific members of the group ( This is required for audit purpose. owner needs to check with the members of the group if they still needs access to the group or not hence need to send an email. As a group can have hundreds of members, sending a manual email to everyone is time consuming). The email should contain a link which can take the user probably to one of the interfaces of our tool- that we need to develop. It should ask the member- do you still need access to the group and have two choices- yes and No. If the user selects Yes and submits nothing should happen. If the member selects No and submits it , member should be automatically removed as a member of the group and the owner of the group should be notified about the change (through an email or something).

I am not sure which programming language or scripting can help me to achieve this application. Any help will be greatly appreciated. It would be great if someone can take it up for me. I can give you the information that you may need for this project. You can let me know your terms and conditions.......if both of us agree we can start working on it at the earliest.You can email me at

Thank you.

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outllook messages lost

My computer Operating System is Windows XP, but this may not be relevant. when using Outlook Express for emailing, a window appears asking if you would like to free up disk space by "Compacting Messages" I always click cancel. Today, my small brother was using the computer and clicked yes.

For reasons I cannot understand, a large amount of messages have now been removed from my Sent Folder . so i am not able to understand that these deleted mails stored in the hard disk or not. if these are stored in the hard disk . how it can be!! please

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Need an alternate to RDP

I need a way to login to my users through other computers and dont what to use Remote Desktop. I already have a home network setup and the computers connected. Any Suggestions?


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Check box and Radio Dial form validation help

This is very frustrating the lack of helpful resources on this topic. I hope someone here can help. Please put the solution within the code context and don't just throw code and jargons or it'll likely just confuse and frustrate myself and other rookies.

I want to get the same validation effect as the fields on this page but for the radio dials and check box(s):

The js:

Car-Loan1 Auto Loan Application for All Credit Types (

I'd also like to implement character, email, etc. validation into this such as
at w3schools (NO alert though...just the field text color change only):
function validate_email(field,alerttxt)
with (field)
if (apos<1||dotpos-apos<2)
{alert(alerttxt);return false;}
else {return true;}

When I try to integrate 2 scripts thing seem to go haywire. Sure wish javascript could be more integration friendly for non tech wizards...


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How to clear cach user from network?

Dear all, I have used peer to peer network of Vista, Firstly i long to another computer successfully and my PC was remembered that username and password then another computer was changed username and password, so my pc couldnt log in to that PC to again, because my PC remember old password. please Someone help me.

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� character problem and FF

Hi all
Small problem with the � symbol. I use the following code "£2.50" to represent the sum of _�2.50_.
no problem with ie, it renders: �2.50
however with FF it renders: £2.50,
if i leave a space £ 2.50, it renders � 2.50 with a space.
It is minor detail but very frustrating
Any idea ?????????
Thank you


[Source: Code Forums - Posted by FreeAutoBlogger]
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Sudoku Solver using sets

A friend and I are trying to create a very basic Sudoku Solver using sets. This is what we have come up with and it works but there has to be a way to simplify. Is there anyone out there that can give us some suggestions on how to simplify?

import java.util.*;

public class Solver
public Solver(int [][] game)
cellSolved = 0;
cells = new int [SIZE][SIZE];
possibles = (Set[][]) new Set[SIZE][SIZE];
for(int i = 0; i< SIZE; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < SIZE; j++)
possibles[i][j] = new TreeSet();
for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
for(int j = 0; j< SIZE; j++)
cells[i][j] = 0;
for(int k = 1; k < SIZE; k++)
int n;
for(int r = 0; r for(int c = 0; c {
n = game[r][c];
if(n !=0)
add(n, r, c);
private void add(int n, int row, int col)
cells[row][col] = n;
private void removeFromSetsRow(int n, int row)
for(int c = 0; c possibles[row][c].remove(n);
private void removeFromSetsCol(int n, int col)
for(int r =0; r possibles[r][col].remove(n);
private void removeFromSetsBlock(int n, int row, int col)
int startRow = (row/3)*3;
int startCol = (col/3)*3;
for(int r = startRow; r for(int c = startCol; c possibles[r][c].remove(n);
public void Solve()
boolean done = false;
int r,c,n;

done = true;
for(r = 0; r< SIZE; r++)
for(c = 0; c< SIZE; c++)
done = false;
n = possibles[r][c].iterator().next();
public boolean isSolved()
return cellSolved = SIZE * SIZE;
public static final int SIZE = 9;
private int cellSolved;
private Set[][] possibles;
private int [][]cells;
[end code]

This is the tester:
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Tester

* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args)
throws FileNotFoundException
Scanner myScanner = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter name of input file: ");
String inputFileName =;

FileReader reader = new FileReader(inputFileName);
Scanner in = new Scanner(reader);

int[][]game = new int[Solver.SIZE][Solver.SIZE];
for(int r = 0; r {
for(int c = 0; c < Solver.SIZE;)
game[r][c] = in.nextInt();
Solver sud = new Solver(game);
System.out.println("Here is original game");

System.out.println("Game solved, see solution");
System.out.print("Game not solved");
System.out.println("This is as far as I got");
System.out.print("Possible sets");
System.out.println("When program terminated");


[end code]

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