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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Restrict User Timely login

Xp offers a possibility of deciding the logon times for each user in the system.Comfortable access to the settings is howev er only possible with the server version. The quickest way to do this in XP is by command line.
The "net user" command followed by the appropriate user account and the option "/times" enabhle the configuration of the logon times. For example to restrict access to the guest account, enter the follwing command
net user guest /times:Mo Fr,10 18;Sa,9 12
The change is effective immediately. The user can login from Monday to Friday between 10 to 18 and Saturday between 9 to 12. Outside this range will ask for password. And even if you give correct password, it will reject it being wrong.
To cancel the timely constraing just type
net user guest /times:all


[Source: Hidden Tricks of Windows - Posted by Kishore Vengala]
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