In our office, there are some old Win2000 computers and 4 WinXp (2 of sp2, and 2 of sp3) Computers. When we upload a document created in a Win2000 computer to the File Server (WinXp sp3), something funny happened, the time of the document was displayed 1 hour ahead of the file time on the Win2000 computer.
If you look at the some uploaded file from any Win2000 computer in our office, the file time is still the right one, but if from any but one WinXp sp2 computer, The same uploaded file time showed 1 hour ahead. But in one WinXp machine, it showed the right file time. Isnt it funny?
I think its likely because of the Save Energy Time, there is a bug in XP. But why there is one XP computer does not have the problem.
Do you ever heard this funny thing?
Shall we report this to Microsoft?
PS. All the Win2000 computers and the one XP sp2 computer that show the right file time, need to adjust the clock time mannually when the Save Energy Time started, the XP computers that showed file time 1 hour ahead, automatically adjusted.
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