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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

this computer does not support the required audio compressio

i just got this laptop.

brand new Alienware laptop literaly out of the box.

playback works fine, i dont have a mic on it yet, but when i go into yahoo messenger and into conference with my girlfriend, i cant hear her talk, on my xp laptop (right next to this one) even without a mic, i could hear other people talk.

i keep having a popup that says "this computer does not support the required audio compression format" when i go into conference or chat rooms.

any idea on how i can fix this problem, vista is annoying the crap out of me.

thanks Smile

Topic Replies: 2


[Source: Ozzu - Posted by FreeAutoBlogger]
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Lloyd G. Saturno said...

This computer does not support the required audio compression format - Yahoo Messenger Voice Conference error message
Hey bro. I just made a blog about this problem, here's the solution.

Kishore Vengala said...

Thanks for help