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Friday, April 17, 2009

windows xp start too slow

I was wondering how to speed up the start-up of windows xp.

It used to be quite fast then recently it slowed down to a snails pace.

A little info:
Laptop: MSI
2.2GHz Core2Duo Intel
2G Ram
160G HD

All I have done is a defrag, and cclean then a restore.
Didnt seem to help.
My Setup menu is set to quickboot, i got rid of all the internet cookies and so on, I ran my virus scan, and spyware software....all with no effect.

It takes like 5-10min to boot up...really long time. But once it is booted up there seems to be no loss in performance. Even when running multiple programs.

Also (dont know if this is related) but my defrag crashes 98% of the time when started.Weird

Used to take about 45sec to boot up.

Is there any way to optimize the start-up?

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